
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Talk about it Tuesday!

Send them some love...
They say that people are like seasons. They come into your life for a certain period of time and then, they leave. They also say that people come into your life for a reason; to teach you something. Both of these statements are true. But what happens when that person leaves? How do you truly let go? 

I recently had a person leave my life. They were in my life practically my whole life. I've had people come and go from my life but no matter how significant or insignificant the person, it still isn't the easiest circumstance to be in but life happens. People say things they don't mean, people make mistakes and you know what's funny? Life still goes on. It keeps moving forward. So what do you do when someone, significant or insignificant leaves your life? You give them love and let it go. It's perfectly said in the movie "Eat Pray Love"..."Send him (them) some love and light every time you think about him (them), and then drop it." 

People are going to hurt you, make mistakes, ask for forgiveness, talk shit about you, teach you a lesson or two and make some kind of impact on your life BUT when someone is leaving your life, whether by choice or by circumstance, give it some love and then let it go. 

Lesson learned. 


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