
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Talk about it Tuesday!

"I ended it with her because she wanted to put a label on us..."

 Labels are what define us, whether we like to admit it or not. A couple of months ago I did a piece on labels/brand names and whether those matter to you ladies. A lot of my girlfriends said that they will save, then go out and purchase labels. However, they also said that they would go purchase something that isn't a famous label because it makes affordable, stylish and comfortable. When I think about it, I wonder why I don't shop for my heart the way I shop for my closet. I know you're like, "what is she talking about??" but hear me out. Like most of my girlfriends, I do buy items that are from more of the expensive labels. I buy these items when they are staple pieces. For example, an brand name blazer or a great pair of jeans (a girl needs that fabulous pair of jeans). I save for the items that will last me a long while and that I will get a lot of use out of. However, if it's just a casual tee or sweat pants, I'm not as picky with labels then. Something comfortable, affordable is good with me. I think us girls shop like that for our hearts too. THINK ABOUT IT! Most of us settle for what's affordable and comfortable at the moment rather than saving for what will be a lasting purchase. I'm not saying that being comfortable isn't important because trust me it is but settling is never a good option. For any aspect of our lives. Now do you see where I'm going with this ladies?? 

What if we all shopped for our hearts the way we shop for our closets? Saving up for that big, long lasting purchase rather than settling for something that will rip apart in a week, or a month. It's easy, we live in a society where comfort, laziness and lack of faith are becoming more and more common. We think that settling for something now will make it better later. False! It can only get worse if it started that way. We can also get so stuck in our daily routines that we almost get lazy (GUILTY!) and forget to put in the effort. Lastly, we don't have faith anymore. We don't believe that someone will come along, we don't believe that we are worth and that's so sad. 

REMEMBER THIS: "If something's bound to happen, it will happen. Right time, right person, and for the best reason." As a society, not just women, we need to look at these three categories and really reevaluate them. We need to be spontaneous, put the effort into making our lives happier and have more faith that everything will happen, in its due time. So ladies, when it comes to clothing, go ahead and be frugal sometimes BUT when it comes to your heart, don't be frugal, EVER! Save up, wait patiently and make the BIG purchase that will last you a lifetime. 

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