
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday Workout Favourites: Meal Prep

It's Wednesday and you know what that means...another Wednesday Workout Favourite! In case you've just tuned in, every Wednesday for the month of January, I'll be putting together posts to help with those fitness resolutions. The three part series titled "Wednesday Workout Favourites"  will focus on my favourite things to help keep you motivated for, and at the gym. This is the final post for this three part series. Last week was about my 5 favourite workouts ( This week, it's all about how to make tedious meal prep easy! This way you can keep your body fuelled up for those busy days and still stick to those resolutions! 

Three Steps for Easy Meal Prep:

1. Plan ahead! That saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail" couldn't be more true in this case. If you take the time on your weekend (I usually spend Sunday afternoon doing it) planning and preparing for your week in terms of your meals, it makes it easier to stay on track with your food consumption during the week.

2.  Do the work ahead of time! Precut and organize your food on the weekend. I use clear glass containers to help me see all the fruits and veggies I precut on Sundays. That way, I can grab and go and also have veggies prepared for meals during the week. Creates less work and helps make cooking meals easier!

3. Grab & Go Bags/Containers! I love that I've brought these grab & go bags/containers into my daily routine. I pack my fruits, veggies and other healthy snacks into ziploc bags or clear containers. I make 7 sets of each and have them ready to go for the week. That way, whether I'm running late or in need of a coffee before I can function, I can still grab these bags/containers and make sure I'm eating healthy during my busy days!

What are some ways you ensure that you are staying on track with your nutrition? How do you make your food plan for your week? Comment. Share.

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