
Monday, August 10, 2015

Beat those "Sunday Blues!"

Sundays and I have a love-hate relationship. You see, I love going the gym, grocery shopping at the local market, or having a Sunday fun-day with my favorite people. Those little things make me so happy, but come around 5pm on a Sunday when I'm meal prepping for the week, those feelings seem to disappear. I start thinking about how I have to be a grown up and do things like, work.

Some may say "it's the job you have and that you aren't happy" (blah, blah, blah), but I think it has to do with how you choose to spend your Sunday. What do I mean by that? Well, you can either spend your Sunday sulking about all the things you have to do in the upcoming week, or you can do things that make you stress less and a little happier. The suggestions below are things I do on the regular (not only on a Sunday) and they've made me happier; I feel less stressed and look forward to the coming week. Enjoy!

1. Take a bubble bath. This not only relieves the "Sunday Blues" but is a stress reliever too!
2. Go ahead, Treat Yoself! I know everyone is all about the "summer body" and staying fit, but a little treat never hurt anyone! 
3. Pamper yourself! Give yourself a pedicure, or foot massage, or a quick facial. (Guys, you can do it too) This helps to relax your muscles and your mind.
4. Get outside! Go for a walk, a run or a hike and escape your emails and text messages for an hour or two.
5. Do something fun! In this great city of Toronto, there are so many festivals and events (some even totally free!), that you can go out there and do something fun and different!

How do you spend your Sundays? What's your favorite thing to do?
Comment. Share.

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