Closure is to the heart what a bandage is to a wound.
They say time heals everything. I agree but I also believe that closure is key. Over the last couple of months I've noticed that many of the relationships and friendships that I held so dear to my heart have changed. Some for the better and some for the worst. I have always advocated for change and to embrace change. I believe that what has happened to my relationships are another form of change. A change I embrace with my whole heart. These crucial changes to relationships and friendships in my life, especially at this time in my life shape who I am and who I will become. However, I do believe that the only way you can allow things to shape who you become and impact your character is if you take the lesson out of it. What is the lesson from changes to my friendships and relationships? The knowledge I gain from the closure I obtain.
Closure is what allows you to express how you feel to another person and vice versa. After all the changes to the relationships and friendships in my life, today I can say I have obtained all the closure I needed to move forward. I spent the past few weeks analyzing what went wrong in the friendships and relationships that changed and over the last few days I sent messages, received messages and spoke to people in person and now that I have obtained all my closure, I feel like I am going to take the lesson in each friendship and relationship change.
With September being such a significant month for me (birthday girl, woo!), I think it is perfect timing that I got the closure I needed from the people who have left my life. Closure truly is what you need to have a clear conscious and a clear mind. You can't ever move forward if you're always looking back.
Ever get the closure that you wanted? How did it feel? Comment.
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