
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

funFABfree brings you: 
Christmas tips & tricks.

I know you probably think I'm insane for even thinking about Christmas when Halloween hasn't even happened yet, but it's literally right around the corner. If you haven't stepped into a mall, then clearly you don't know what I'm talking about. The decorations are on sale, magazines and flyers have begun their Christmas sales and people (well some people at least), are getting on that Christmas hustle. I'm definitely trying to get everything together for the Christmas season so I can actually enjoy it! I've already bought my Christmas cards and I'm making my list (and checking it twice!)

This time of year can be super stressful for people and especially stressful for their wallets. I'm all for buying nice presents but that doesn't mean that these presents have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are so many different ways to get someone a great present and be cost effective.

Here are some of my fun & fab tips:

1. Make a list. Write out everyone who you are going to be buying gifts for. Beside their names write down things that they may have been talking about, hobbies they have or things that they like. That will definitely help you when shopping!

2. Along with that list, create a budget. A budget that you have calculated carefully and works for you. Don't break the bank to look like a good gift giver (and yes, I just made that up).

3. Personalized gifts are the best! If you are creative, you can definitely create a gift. Now, I don't mean like construction paper and some crayons kind of creative. I'm talking about looking at websites for some creative inspirations. (For example, Lauren Conrad's website, Michael's website, etc.)

4. Secret Santa! This is a great idea when you have a lot of people in your family, a big friends circle or if you are on a tight budget. Get your family or friends together and do a secret Santa. Its super fun and keeps on track budget wise!

5. Gift cards! People often think that gift cards are an easy way out but I absolutely love receiving gift cards. Especially love them when they are to my favorite places. So think back to tip #1 and try to get gift cards to stores and places that the person will use and enjoy.

These are just a few suggestions as to how to approach and conquer the upcoming Christmas season. How do you go about conquering the Christmas season? Any suggestions for me or others? Comment.


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