
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings.

Goodbye 2012...Hello 2013!

A new year means new beginnings. The start of a new year is all about getting a chance to begin anew and start fresh for me. There are individuals who believe that a change can be made at anytime that you are committed to making it and then there are individuals like me that believe that there is always a perfect time to make change. For many, including myself, the new year is the BEST time for creating change and starting fresh. 

Its that time of year when you reevaluate relationships, make new resolutions and celebrate everyone who stuck by your side and everything you've learned in the past year. I have made new year's resolutions for as long as I can remember but have I really stuck to many of them? Umm...not really! I decided to ask some of my friends and family how they feel about new year's resolutions and what it means to them. Below are some responses I received.

"I don't believe in resolutions made on New Years. Resolutions can be made when you feel it." - F.K.

"No, I don't think they work. It's setting yourself up for failure. If you want to really change your lifestyle or whatever your "resolution" may be, it will happen on its own without you having to make a promise at New Years." - T.L.

"When I was younger yes, I was a strong believer in New Year's resolutions but as I grew older, I realize everyday is another opportunity to improve yourself because you never know when your time might come. But I guess having a New Year's resolution can also be a motivation to help yourself. My New Year's resolution would be to spend more time with my family." - I.D.

I love those responses. I believe that when you are ready to make change, you will. No one can force you to do it, especially an occasion like New Year's. However, I do believe that a new year is a new beginning and can be a little boost to your own willingness. 

Here are my FAB FIVE tips on making New Year's resolutions that you can actually keep throughout the year.

1. Make the resolutions realistic. Don't put crazy pressure on yourself by thinking unrealistically.
2. Make resolutions that are goal orientated, that will help you with your future.
3. Create resolutions with family or close friends. My best friend and I decided to lose weight together. That way neither of us are doing it alone and we are there for each other and to also motivate each other.
4. Reevaluate previous resolutions and see if they worked. Ask yourself why they worked or why they didn't and help those resolutions determine your new ones.
5. Have fun with it! Not all resolutions have to be about losing weight, getting your dream guy, etc. They can be fun and exciting. One of my resolutions is to be more fun and easy going. I'm going to laugh more, joke more and have more fun! (Can't wait!)

Whether you choose to embrace a new beginning with the new year or whether you choose to stick to old habits (those are just fine too!), make sure that you are always doing it for you. To better yourself, your life and the people around you. 

May 2013 hold many new memories, tons of happiness and plenty of love for each and everyone of you. Go out there and do what makes you the happiest and what makes this world a better place. 


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