
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BEAT the Winter Blues.

Got a case of the winter blues? I know I sure do! I'm pretty sure the ground hog said something about an early Spring, so where is it?! I know I'm patiently waiting for the Spring weather (and fashion)! In the mean time, what can we do to cheer us up and get rid of those winter blues? Well, lucky for you I've got some FABULOUS ideas to get you from the shades of blue to more of a yellow shade (bright & happy)! These five fabulous tips will help you beat the blues away.


1.  Do something new. Get your girlfriends together OR pull a solo mission and do something different. Whether its taking a new class at the gym OR trying a new recipe. For example, my best friend and I joined a volleyball league in January. Super fun and something new!

2. Have a Girls Night with your favorite ladies. Whether you decide to hit up a club, enjoy a great meal or even stay in and enjoy girl talk & movies, take the time to embrace the good in your life. (It'll beat those blues away!)

3. Start a small (or BIG) project. For example, I'm currently putting together a binder with interior decorating ideas for my bedroom.

4. Spring clean! Spring might be taking its sweet time to arrive but at least when it does arrive, you'll be ready to conquer the Spring weather with fabulous fashion.

5. Make a change! (I'm such a keener for change). Whether its deciding to eat healthier, let go of something/someone toxic or dedicate yourself to a new goal, make the change. You'll love yourself for it later!

Is there anything you and/or your friends do to beat the winter blues? If so, comment. Share.

Spread the love, hold the hate. Xo

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