
Thursday, March 7, 2013


Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Chanel and the list goes on and on. Brand name products are well known to everyone or at least a good number of people in our society. Even the auto correct on my phone knows these brand names. Brand names and labels play a big part in how and why we choose to purchase certain products. It now goes beyond clothing and fashion. Brand names range from the car you purchase to the shampoo you choose to wash your hair with. The question I'm asking is why? Why does it matter whether you are wearing Tory Burch flats or flats you got from Forever XXI?? 

As always I asked the wonderful followers of my blog to give me their opinion on what they think about brand names and labels. Here is what some of them had to say.

"Sooooo yes and no to labels mattering to me. Yes I want "status" pieces but do I care that much at the same time no, because even though I buy Aritzia clothes and run around with Ray bans, Dior glasses and Marc Jacob bags I am true to my style and prefer a more classic look. So what does that mean? Unless you're looking or work for these high end markets you wouldn't know that my clothes and accessories are from these labels. I always choose unique pieces but are classically flashy colours, labels or repetitive patterns. 
There's something to be said about quality (more money vs. cheap fabrics) and trendy less expensive clothing and the pleasurable middle ground that are stores like ZARA, H&M, etc. I'm also a thrift-er (meaning I do shop at thrift stores) but the same principles apply I still buy brands that I'm familiar with and can put my money behind. My closet ranges from tanks from Forever 21 for $3.50, boyfriend blazer from target for $15.00 to an Aritzia parka for $380 (I think), Marc Jacob purse for $450. Some things are worth it some things aren't I think the point is personal style and quality." - T.L.

"Sunglasses and purses only! I can buy an entire outfit at Target and wear a $2000 purse with it! PS I tell everyone how much I pay for my "cheap" clothing with no shame!" - L.O.

"For me labels are a form of status and acceptance in a plastic world." - F.K.
Absolutely love all those responses. Yes, everyone loves to look good and have nice things but does that mean you sacrifice your sanity and put yourself in debt for those nice things? NO! That is the LAST thing you want to do in order to be able to afford a nice purse or a nice car. I've grown up in a household where labels and brand names didn't matter. As much as I love fancy things (which I'm sure every single girl does), I know my limits and I do my best to live within them (come on, no one's perfect)! I was inspired to write about this specific topic because it seems like now, more than ever that what label you wear and purchase are what define you. I also feel that they help people relate more in society. I live in a community where Chanel, Dior and Tory Burch mean nothing at all but I work in a community where those brand names are so common, that its kind of a bad thing if you don't know or purchase those kinds of labels. As my friends said in their responses, its all in your perspective and how you want to be accepted. Personally, I work in a community where a $2000 purse is something everyone has. I think that having brand names and big labels, while they are nice should be left up to the individual who is purchasing. I'm a lot like my friend T.L. I own and purchase statement pieces or "status" pieces but then I'm not afraid to shop at Forever XXI either. At the end of the day, whether you are shopping at Holts or The Bay, YOU are the one who has to feel comfortable with the way you look, the purchases you make and the decisions you make about your finances when being a consumer. So, why does is matter? Because everyone wants to make sure that they look good, not for themselves but mostly for those who are watching them. Society is filled with "eyes". These "eyes" are constantly watching and waiting to pounce on the next person who isn't wearing, consuming or behaving in a certain manner. 

If you take anything away from this, please take away that the "norm" is not what everyone has to live up to. At the end of the day, everyone should live by their means and not out of their means (easier said than done at times).  You should purchase the brand names/labels that are affordable to you. I love the fact that I can get myself rag & bone jeans and still hang them in the same closet, right beside a pair of skinny jeans from Forever XXI. Its my style. I love to mix and match but most of all, I love shopping on my budget. OWN YOUR STYLE & YOUR BUDGET!

Here are my FAB FIVE SHOPPING TIPS for achieving the best looks while staying true to you:

1.  Don't be ashamed of where you shop and the labels you wear. (Your sanity matters more anyway!)

2. Save up for and plan out bigger purchases. I saved for a while before I purchases my Blackberry playbook, my Sorels, etc. 

3. Purchase "status" or statement pieces that can be worn a lot and that will never go out of style. A blazer from Aritzia or a nice winter coat for example

4. Treat yourself. Not everyday but when you work hard or when you may get a bonus or promotion. (Us girls, we deserve it!)

5. Stay true to your budget. If you are going to break the bank for a purchase, RETHINK IT!

Why do you or don't you purchase brand names/labels? Do you have shopping tips and tricks you use to get the most bank for your buck? Comment.



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